Rodent Removal Services In Sacramento, CA

Rodent Removal Services In Sacramento CA

When it comes to safeguarding your home from unwanted pests, particularly rodents, finding effective rodent removal services in Sacramento, CA is crucial. Whether you’re dealing with Norway rats in your basement or roof rats in your attic, Official Pest Prevention offers specialized services tailored to address and eradicate these nuisances.

Using advanced techniques and a deep understanding of rodent behavior, our team ensures that your living spaces remain free from the threats rodents pose. Opt for professional rodent control to protect your property and health in Sacramento, reflecting a proactive approach to pest management.

What Is Rat Control Services?

Rat control services are provided by highly experienced pest control companies when your residential or commercial property has a rodent infestation. So you have gotten over the sweltering heat of the Sacramento summer, long ago were the days of blasting the A/C the minute you got in the car. Now your attention has turned to the usually ignored heating system, longing for the warmer indoors as the temperatures drop. Well, you might have guessed that you are not the only one that longs for the toasty conditions of your home. Enter those pesky pests, who have even more of a motivation to getting into your cozy homes during this time of year. The winter months do see an influx of these unwanted creatures which is usually why we see an increase in our professional rat control services. So while you’re settling in for the night with a hot chocolate in hand, and a rerun episode of Game of Thrones blaring on the television, be at peace knowing that your home is winning its own battle against these detestable intruders. Here are some of the profiles of these common creeps:

Why Do We Need Rat Control Services?

Musophobia, one of the most common phobias in the world, is the fear of rats and mice and for good reason. Rats have always been associated with disease and filth, so rat control services are needed to protect our family. But what attracts them to our homes? Well generally speaking rats tend to like places that they will not be disturbed, so basements, attics, and trash areas are ideal. While it is true that in big cities such as New York the majority of the rat population can be found in sewers, locally the Norway Rats, are in burrows under all the stored items, sheds, shrubbery, etc. in yours and your neighbor’s yards. They generally enter homes through sub area vents or missing door sweeps. We also have Roof Rats, which will live in trees and other places off ground, Palm trees are favorite and they generally enter your home through the attic, via trees within 3 feet of the house) but all of this doesn’t mean that you won’t run across one in your kitchen. With their strong jaws, sharp claws, and aggressive behavior, it makes them a rodent to be aware of. This becomes especially true when it comes to young children in the house.

Rodent Pest Prevention Methods

There are a few ways you can help prevent a rodent infestation from happening in your home. Following these tips might stop you needing our premium rat control services at Official Pest Prevention.

  • Don’t leave food lying around, store it properly and when throwing it away, make sure that it is sealed securely in trash cans or containers that can not be easily opened
  • Avoid putting food in compost heaps, it will usually attract a large number
  • Keep your property tidy, the less clutter the less places they have to hide Store items 18 inches away from exterior walls and 18 inches off the ground
  • Have your roof inspected, rats can climb pipes/electrical cables and are able to gnaw gaps in order to enlarge them for entry Trim all trees back 3 feet from roof
  • They have been known to climb up drainpipes, so keeping toilet lids closed is not just the chivalrous thing to do guys

What Are The Common Rats In Sacramento, CA?

The Norway Rat

Sometimes called brown or sewer rats. They are stocky burrowing rodents. Burrows are found along with foundations, beneath rubbish or woodpiles, and most areas in and around gardens and fields. In structures, they generally remain in the basement or first floor. Heavy thick body, small ears, small eyes, blunt nose, tail shorter than head and body. Norway Rats eat a variety of food but prefer cereal grains, meats, fish, nuts and some fruits. They will travel about 100 – 150 feet from the burrow, rarely travel farther than 300 feet.

The Roof Rat

Sometimes called black rats. Agile climbers. Usually live and nest above ground in trees, shrubs, and other dense vegetation. In structures, they are generally found in enclosed or elevated spaces such as the attic, walls, false ceilings, and cabinets. Light slender body, large ears, large eyes, pointed nose, tail longer than head and body. Roof rats eat a variety of foods but prefer fruits, nuts, berries, slugs, and snails. They are especially fond of avocados and citrus. Routinely travel up to 300 feet for food. They have an excellent sense of balance, utility lines, fences, etc. Live in trees, attics, and climb down for food.

Quick Rat Facts

  • Breeding – 5-10 pups per litter, with 3-6 litters per year.
  • Consumption – 15-30kg of food per day, 15-60ml water per day
  • Excrement – banana-shaped, 10-20mm, 40 droppings per day

Rat Biology and Habits

  • Nocturnal – active at night
  • Poor eyesight
  • Keen sense of smell, hearing, taste, and touch.
  • Rats constantly explore and learn, memorizing the locations of pathways, obstacles, food, and water, shelter, and features of their environment.
  • Quickly detect and avoid new objects and novel foods. Neophobia (the fear of the new) is more pronounced in Roof Rats than Norway Rats.
  • Norway and Roof Rats don’t get along. The Norway Rat is the more dominant species. But both can occupy the same building with Norway Rats in the basement and first floors, Roof Rats in the attic and upper floors.
  • They cannot interbreed.
  • Share the same food sources but do not feed together.

Rat Exterminator Services in Sacramento, CA

If you feel that you would like a professional rat exterminator service to help in deterring and removing rats from your property please give us a call on (877) 711 2847 We will be more than happy to muster our troops to fight for you!

The House Mouse

The other member that makes up the Musophobia family is the regular house mouse. There is a perception that mice are less dangerous to their larger counterparts mentioned above. But don’t let the size, strength, or lack of aggression fool you, they can cause quite the stir when it comes to damage to your property. They are not only carriers of multiple diseases, but they have been known to chew on electrical cables, causing damage, power surges, and electrical fires that can exponentially get worse very quickly. Mice tend to hide out in basements and attics, but one scurrying along in your kitchen or living room is not an uncommon sight. That is because they are predominantly attracted to food and warmth. So how to recognize if you have a mouse problem:

  • Check for signs such as nibbled food (not child-sized bites or starving spouses), gnawed wires, torn paper, and droppings.
  • Check for small cracks and crevices in your home, mice are very nimble and can squeeze through the smallest of spaces due to having a soft skeleton. If you find any you should fill them up immediately.
  • Avoid having cluttered areas in which a mouse could find it easy to hide and make a burrow. This is more common in attics as they are warmer due to heat rising and are rarely active on a daily basis with human interaction.

Quick Facts About Mice

  • Breeding – 4-16 pups per litter, with 7-8 litters per year.
  • Consumption – 3g of food per day, 3ml water per day
  • Excrement – pointed end shaped, 1-2mm, 80 droppings per day

Mice Exterminator Services in Sacramento, CA

Official Pest Prevention is equipped to handle any infestations you may have. Whether you live in a commercial area or a residential one, if you say hello to us, you’ll be saying goodbye to those pesky bugs.

If you have any questions at all about our highly-rated services, then please feel free to contact us. We’re always eager to help out.

Official Pest Prevention is a family-owned, licensed pest control company celebrating 20 years serving over 100,000 satisfied customers in five area codes throughout Northern and Central California. ​​​​​​ Starting with a few contacts, and only four full-time employees, our small company has grown into an organization that today employs over 100 people, maintains a fleet of 75 vehicles, and has serviced over 100,000 Northern California households. This tremendous growth has come from loyal customers, who have recommended our work to their friends, family, and neighbors.

We are a full-service pest control company. Whatever your pest problem, we have a solution. Our goal is to make your property pest-free. Guaranteed. Contact us online or by phone (877) 711 2847 – for immediate assistance. Same-day bookings and flexible payment plans available – because pest invasions wait for no one.

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