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Bed bugs are one of the most difficult pests to eradicate in the home, and they can be found almost anywhere in the world, including the United States. Infestations can occur almost anywhere people go, including hotels, hospitals, and modes of public transportation. Bed bugs, due to their small size and flattened bodies, can hide in unusual places such as couches, picture frames, and behind electrical switch plates. Continue reading to learn how you can get bed bugs in your home.


How Do You Get Bed Bugs in Your House?

So, how do bed bugs get into your home in the first place? Bed bugs are notorious for their ability to hitchhike. If you notice signs of a bed bug infestation in your home for the first time, they most likely snuck in as a stowaway on a purse, luggage, or article of clothing.

Bed bugs may be hiding in used furniture, particularly mattresses, box springs, couches, and chairs. If you buy used furniture, make sure to thoroughly inspect it for any signs of bed bugs, such as cast skins, eggs, fecal spotting, or the insects themselves. Pay close attention to seams or folds in the fabric and inspect them with a high-powered flashlight.

Bed bugs thrive in lodging facilities such as hotels and motels, so be cautious when traveling to avoid unintentionally bringing bed bugs home with you. Before unpacking, always thoroughly inspect your room for any signs of bed bug activity to avoid any unpleasant encounters. Mattress seams, headboards, sofas, and chairs are common areas to inspect. While you conduct your inspection, leave your luggage in the bathroom or entryway and avoid placing luggage on any furniture until you have had the opportunity to ensure the item is bed bug free. If you find evidence of an infestation, leave immediately to avoid bringing bed bugs into your home. When you return from your trip, inspect your luggage and wash all packed clothing in hot water to eliminate any potential hitchhikers.


How Do You Get Bed Bugs in Your Bed?

Why do bed bugs go to your bed once they’ve infiltrated your home? Bed bugs are drawn to areas where humans spend a lot of time. When they arrive, they will seek out dark hiding places that are close to and convenient to their food source. Beds are an ideal hiding place for bed bugs because they can easily come out to feed at night while we sleep. If they are disturbed, they can quickly retreat to the safety of the bed frame or mattress. While bed bug infestations are commonly associated with beds, they are easily spread throughout the home and can be found on furniture other than the bedroom.


What to Do if You Get Bed Bugs

If you suspect a bed bug infestation, contact Official Pest Prevention right away. Because bed bugs reproduce quickly, time is of the essence when dealing with an infestation. 


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