Pest Control in Oakdale

Serving Throughout the Sacramento & Fresno Areas


Pest Control in Oakdale, CA

Same-Day Appointments for Valued Customers

Official Pest Prevention Inc. was born January 1, 2000 when the tech bubble was about to burst and people were still concerned about potential Y2K problems. Starting with a few contacts, and only four full-time employees, the small company has grown into an organization that today employs over 100 people, maintains a fleet of 75 trucks, and has serviced over 100,000 northern California households. This tremendous growth has come from loyal customers recommending our work to their friends, family, and neighbors. We’re proud to serve Antelope with our quality pest control services.


Contact us online or by phone to handle your pesky visitors at (877) 711 2847 – we offer payment plans because we understand that no one plans for a home invasion.

Bed Bug Pest Control in Oakdale, CA

Bedbugs hide in beds, carpeting and rugs, blankets, garments, underneath wallpaper, under towels, between curtain folds, behind wall decorations and behind wood home furniture. They love to attack at night and they will remain active right up until prior to dawn. Bedbugs bite uncovered skin of a individual in an infested bed by leaving red-colored scratchy dots. They don’t wander off from sleeping and relaxing areas nonetheless they have the ability to travel more than 100 ft during the night to look for food. Bedbugs were once terminated in the United States but they’re making a comeback by using international travelers. The most typical places to locate them are hotels and apartment buildings. Bed bugs can survive annually without food. This permits them to journey from different locations until they found a comforting place with food. They hide on clothes and suitcases of travelers. Additionally they reside in couches and can be transferred from house to house through used furniture. Domestic animals like dogs and cats have thick fur which makes for a good hiding place for bedbugs. Using public transit like tour bus, trains and taxis can bring you into contact with bed bugs which you then take to your office. Bedbugs are six legged parasitic pests that suck human and dog blood. Their size is around 1/4 inch with an oval flat shape. Their size is similar to an apple seed. The top part of their body has gold shaded hair, antennae and cone like eyes. The lower area of their bodies is wrinkly just like crinkled paper. Bedbugs can’t fly but they can crawl very quickly. They grow and multiply in the temperature range of 70 degrees around 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Termite Treatment in Oakdale, CA

Wood eating termites feast upon decomposed vegetation and trees and shrubs within the dirt. A wood eating termite’s jaws are capable of tearing pieces of cellulose substance. This capacity is the thing that will cause worry in our dwellings. A normal nest of underground termites may well consume 16 grams of wood on a daily basis. This is about 13 lbs. of wood annually. Subterranean termite laborers only measure from 1 cm to a few millimeters in size, their particular eating routine is effective at producing costly property damage. House footings, furnishings, cabinets and even magazines are eating areas for termites. Subterranean termite homes are generally formed in the earth. In these piles, termites construct elaborate tunnel systems and then use dirt tunnels in which they will access above ground wood resources. Drywood termites dwell within the hardwood that they consume as well as moving into and infesting walls and home furniture. Termites are typically referred to as silent destroyers, as they will often be hiding at home or in your lawn without any indication of damage.

Pest Control Services in Oakdale, CA

Oakdale, CA, known as the “Cowboy Capital of the World,” combines rural landscapes with growing residential areas, often attracting pests like ants, rodents, and spiders. Our pest control services in Oakdale are designed to address these common nuisances by using targeted treatments that protect both homes and farmlands. With a focus on prevention and tailored solutions, we help keep your property pest-free all year long.

Looking for pest control solutions near, not in, Oakdale?

Need pest control services beyond Oakdale? In Fremont, CA, our pest management strategies are customized to deal with urban and suburban pest problems. Nearby, Modesto, CA benefits from our extensive knowledge in agricultural and residential pest control, while Lathrop, CA enjoys our services focused on protecting its homes and commercial properties from common pests.

Our experience in pest control ensures that every client receives effective, long-lasting results. Reach out to Official Pest Prevention today for professional, integrated pest management solutions that keep your home safe and your mind at ease.

Official Pest Prevention offers services across all of California – review our services in your area here.

Contact us online or by phone to handle your pesky visitors at (877) 711 2847 – we offer payment plans because we understand that no one plans for a home invasion.


High quality pest control begins and ends with high quality customer care. Pest control is so much more than knowing what to spray or how to trap (though that is essential). The best pest control service happens when taking care of our customers’ satisfaction is as important or more important than the physical service we provide. That’s what we’re committed to in every interaction with each of our customers.

All of our technicians are all licensed and well trained in the latest targeted application combinations and techniques. They are experienced professionals who can assess, diagnose, and solve your most stubborn pest problems. But they are also friendly, personable, and communicate well. We teach them to check in with you before and after every visit so they can understand your concerns and address them. We know how important your home or business is to you. We want you to not only be pest-free, but to also have peace of mind. We treat people and their homes and properties the way we’d like to be treated because we truly care.

Another way we show we care is by keeping prices affordable. We believe high quality pest control is a necessity to help protect homes, families, and businesses from disease, damage, and decay. So we work hard to manage our business responsibly so that we can pass the savings on to you.

Try us out for free! Call for your no-charge, no-obligation phone consultation. Or text us a picture of your pest problem (yes, even droppings!). We can help identify pests, answer questions, and recommend treatment options. We’re happy to help.

Serving A Wide Range of Property Types

Full Service Company with Customized Solutions

Quality Controlling Our Work to Insure Your Satisfaction

Over 40,000 Happy Customers Since 2000


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